Considering turning your home into an Airbnb / VRBO? As a reminder, only apartments and condos are eligible for nightly rentals in the Mammoth Lakes area. To become a nightly rental in Mammoth Lakes (legally) you must accomplish a few things first.
Below are the steps we just discussed, but in more detail to better serve you. If you need assistance with setting up and managing your nightly rental, feel free to reach out to us and we can assist.
The two applications (Business Tax Certificate application and Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Certificate application) that need to be submitted to start renting out your property are attached for your convenience. You can also read more about the registration process on the Town’s website at
Please feel free to contact the Finance Department should you require any additional information or if you have any further questions.
Revenue Specialist
Town of Mammoth Lakes
p: 760-965-3665
f: 760-934-7493
Mon – Fri: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sat/Sun: Closed
Get in touch: (760) 965-3203
148 Mountain Blvd, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
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